

Lion Mask Craft


  • paper plate (white or yellow)

  • yellow paint (if using white plate)

  • paint brush

  • yellow, orange and brown construction paper (or actually any color to add a unique touch to your lion)

  • scissors

  • glue stick

  • black marker

  • googly eyes


1. Paint the paper plate yellow.

2. Cut strips of varying lengths out of the colors of the construction paper. For example, large brown strips, medium orange strips, and small yellow strips.

3. Rim the back edge of the plate with glue stick where the strips will be applied.

4. Stick on alternating yellow and orange strips around the back of the plate.

5. Then glue a second layer of large brown strips layering on top and in between the yellow and orange colored strips.

6. Cut out two larger yellow circular and two brown smaller shapes with rounded edges for the ears.

7. Cut a brown triangle shape with rounded edges out of construction paper for the nose.

8. Glue inside and outside ear shapes together then attach ears at top of the plate. Glue the nose at the center of the plate then add the eyes.

9. Draw the mouth starting at the base of the nose and add dots and whiskers.


Koinobori Craft


  • tissue paper in various colors

  • double-sided tape

  • scissors

  • toilet paper rolls

  • googly eyes (which you can make from white and black paper)


1. Cut out several circles of tissue paper, in various colors, approximately 1.5 inches in diameter. Cut those circles in half to make semi-circles.

2. Place a piece of double sided tape around the bottom of your toilet paper roll.

3. Place the straight edge of the semi-circle on the double-sided tape, overlapping slightly so no roll shows underneath.

4. Leaving a 5cm gap, place another strips of double-sided tape around the roll, repeating with the semi-circles.

5. Repeat all the way to the top. If any of the semi-circles are sticking up, you can use tape to stick them down.

6. Add the googly eye to the top of roll.

7. Cut strips of tissue paper using the same colors as your semi-circles and at the tail end, place a piece of double-sided tape on the inside of the roll.

8. Add the strips to the inside of the roll; trim ends if needed so they are the same length.

9. Repeat above steps to make additional koinobori.